Countdown to our 55th Reunion in 2025...
Update 02/23/25: Everything’s a go for the May 2025 Alumni Weekend! Registration is now open; click the button below to be transported to the sign-up form. Cost is $80/person for the entire weekend’s on-campus events; $30 for the Friday Night Cocktail Party only; or $45 for the Saturday Dinner only.
There is no charge to attend the CHA "Old Guard" Luncheon or the Springside Milestone Luncheon, both of which will be held at the Cricket Club on Friday, starting at 11:30 a.m.
A schedule of planned activities is listed below. Just as we did in 2022, Sunnybrook Golf Club has been lined up for our joint CHA/SS gathering and dinner on Friday. Please thank your reunion teams for all their efforts!
Contact your class agent(s) or Melissa Brown, Director of Alumni Relations (215-261-6855), if you have any questions. Barry Shannon has said he will try to arrange a special Zoom session for sometime in March.
Note: Registration opened on February 12, 2025,
and ends on April 29, 2025 at 11:00 p.m.

Schedule of Events
Fri. 05/02/25:
- 8:30-11:00 a.m. — Registration.
Location: Exchange Lobby, Wissahickon Inn.
Welcome back to campus for Alumni Weekend! Join us in The Exchange to register and pick up your Alumni Weekend schedule/nametag(s). Coffee will be available in the Henry Library.
- 9:15 a.m. — Join a Class: English, History, Photography, Chinese, Boy Choir, Robotics.
Location: Upper School Classroom (locations will be emailed to registrants prior to Alumni Weekend).
School is back in session! Join an Upper School class for thought-provoking experiences showcasing the diverse and rigorous academic programming that defines SCH. Space is limited, so please reserve your spot upon registering online. Additional class time offered at 1:55 PM (see below).
- 10:15 a.m. — Tour the Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership (CEL).
Location: The Sands Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership, Thornley Middle School.
All are welcome to attend! Now in its 12th year, the Sands Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership (CEL) is a cornerstone of the SCH experience. Hear Executive Director Ed Glassman '03 talk about how the Class of 1975’s 40th reunion gift, supporting the Digital Design & Fabrication Lab, has been instrumental in the CEL’s success.
- 11:30 a.m. — Springside Milestone Luncheon | Classes 1945-1975.
Location: Philadelphia Cricket Club.
Join us we celebrate our Springside reunion classes of 1945, 1950, 1955, 1960, 1965, 1970, and 1975. No charge for this luncheon.
- 11:30 a.m. — Chestnut Hill Academy Guard Luncheon | Classes 1945-1975.
Location: Philadelphia Cricket Club.
Join us we celebrate our CHA reunion classes of 1945, 1950, 1955, 1960, 1965, 1970, and 1975. No charge for this luncheon.
- 1:55 p.m. — Join a Class: Robotics, English, CEL, Science, History, Boy Choir.
Location: Upper School Classroom, Wissahickon Inn (locations will be emailed to registrants prior to Alumni Weekend).
School is back in session! Join an Upper School class for thought-provoking experiences showcasing the diverse and rigorous academic programming that defines SCH. Space is limited, so please reserve your spot upon registering online. Additional class time offered at 9:15 AM (see above).
- 2:00 p.m. — Campus Tours.
Location: Exchange Lobby, Wissahickon Inn.
Walk with us as we take a tour of our Lower, Middle, and Upper School buildings.
- 4:00 p.m. — Alumni & Faculty Memorial Service.
Location: Epiphany Chapel, Wissahickon Inn.
In solemn remembrance, we come together for a memorial service to honor the loved ones we’ve lost in the past five years.
- 4:30 p.m. — Docent Tour of SCH’s Permanent Art Collection.
Location: Exchange Lobby, Wissahickon Inn.
This tour will focus on the many significant pieces housed in the Wissahickon Inn (our Upper School building), including works by Sol LeWitt, Alexander Stirling Calder, Sam Feinstein, Tim Rollins, and Violet Oakley.
- 5:00 p.m. — SCH Alumni Association Meeting.
Location: Epiphany Chapel, Wissahickon Inn.
This meeting will celebrate honorariums for retiring senior faculty: Pete Capano, Charlie Grogan, Scott Stein, Anne Stout, and Roland Woehr.
- 6:00-8:00 p.m. — All-Alumni Cocktail Party. Location: Upper School Commons.
All guests must be 21+ years and older to attend.
- 7:30-11:00 p.m. — Joint SS & CHA ’70 gathering off-campus: Sunnybrook Golf Club, 398 Stenton Ave., Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462. Dinner & cash bar; cost details to follow (advance registration only). See
map and directions; download PDF. See also: SGC Guest Info & Dress Code (PDF).
Sat. 05/03/25:
- 8:30-11:00 a.m. — Registration.
Location: Alumni/Development Office, Wissahickon Inn.
Welcome back to campus for Alumni Weekend! Join us on the Inn porch to register and pick up your Alumni Weekend schedule/nametag(s).
- 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. — Open Playground.
Location: McCausland Lower School Playground.
Alumni families are welcome to enjoy our playground spaces around the McCausland Lower School.
- 9:00-11:00 a.m. — Open Gym.
Location: Woodward Gym, Athletic Complex.
Grab your workout gear and come to the new fitness , located in the Upper School Commons.
- 9:30 a.m. — Wake-Up Yoga.
Location: Barbara Crawford Gallery, Wissahickon Inn.
Join us for yoga led by Upper School world language teacher Alexis Frankel. We invite you to join the “good vibes only” group. Please bring your own mat!
- 10:00 a.m. — Campus Tour.
Location: Entrance, McCausland Lower School.
Walk with us as we take a tour of our Lower, Middle, and Upper School buildings.
- 10:30 a.m. — Campus History Tour; Places & Spaces.
Location: Entrance, McCausland Lower School.
Grab your walking shoes and join us for a historical tour of our SCH campus, led by SCH CFO Frank Aloise.
- 11:30 a.m. — Alumni of Color Brunch.
Location: Jennings House, 416 Springfield Avenue (across from Maguire Stadium).
Join Director of DEIB, Maxime Sinal, and our Diversity Leadership team for brunch at Jennings House and learn about SCH's DEIB initiatives.
- 12:00 noon — Varsity Boys Baseball vs. Devon Prep.
Location: Pearson Field.
- 1:00 p.m. — Robotics Lab Open House.
Location: Rorer Science Center.
Visit the home of the World Robotics Champions to see first-hand where our students build and learn through teamwork and collaboration.
- 1:00 p.m. — Pickleball Tournament.
Location: Vare Field House.
Join us for an exciting pickleball tournament. This event is a fantastic blend of camaraderie and competition. Spectators welcome!
- 2:30 p.m. — Hard Hat Tour of the Rec.
Location: The Rec Performing Arts Center.
The Rec opened in January 1974 with a Players production of “The Fantasticks”. Fast forward to 2025, The Rec renovations are underway! Learn more about the renovations plans and how to support this project here.
- 5:00 p.m. — Alumni Awards & 2025 Players Hall of Fame Ceremony (Awardees will be announced 03/03/25).
Location: Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership, Thornley Middle School.
All welcome to attend! Every year, our community nominates and selects notable alumni to receive distinguished alumni awards from Springside School, Chestnut Hill Academy, and Springside Chestnut Hill Academy. This year we will recognize our Players Hall of Fame that occurs every three years.
- 6:00 p.m. — Reunion Alumni Cocktail Reception and Dinner w/ Scott Romig Band.
Location: Auditorium, Thornley Middle School.
Meet us in the lobby and mingle inside & out (weather permitting) for cocktails, a 3-course dinner, and dancing to cap off the weekend!
- Optional off-campus gatherings (CHA & SS separately) after the dinner. Time & locations TBD.
Sun. 05/04/25:
- 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. — Chestnut Hill Home & Garden Fest.
Location: 8000-8100 blocks of Germantown Avenue, Chestnut Hill.
Around on Sunday after Reunion Weekend? Join us where SCH’s Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership program is hosting a tent with students and their ventures. All are welcome! This event is free. Click the above link to view all activities — including artisan demonstrations, dance, theatre, and live music.
- Optional off-campus meet-up or brunch for classmates who are still in town; locations TBD. Notify your class agent if interested.
Register here for Alumni Weekend at SCH Academy. Cost $80/person for both days; no charge for SS Milestone/CHA Guard Luncheons.
Optional: Make a gift to SCH’s “Restore the Rec” capital campaign, and dedicate it to the memory of William E. “Rug” Hall. We are looking for 100% class participation in this drive. Gifts can also be designated for other projects, depending upon your preference.
Download an Alumni Weekend schedule (May 2-4). Download a campus map (PDF or JPG file).
Parking at SCH
(1) Inn Lot (main entrance): 501 West Springfield Avenue;
(2) Maguire Stadium Lot: 468 West Willow Grove Avenue;
(3) Cherokee Lot: 8000 Cherokee Street.
Parking also occurs along both sides of West Willow Grove Avenue, starting from St. Martin-in-the-Fields Church and proceeding toward the Cherokee campus, unless indicated otherwise by pavement markings or signs. Please do not park in the Wissahickon Skating Club lot (even to visit The Rec), unless directed to do so by school personnel.
Reunion Teams
Springside: Anne Borie Clements, Nina Webb Cullen, Anne Bregy Saltman, Becky Borie Walsh.
CHA: Bob Peck, Barry Shannon, Andrew Simon.
Last updated: 03/08/25. Check back periodically to see if there is any new information regarding off-campus activities. Let your class agent know if you plan to be in town on Thursday or Sunday.
Welcome to the Springside Chestnut Hill Academy Class of 1970 Reunion Scrapbook!
This site was first published in 2010 to garner support and attendance at our CHA and Springside School 40th Class Reunions, which attracted record turnouts. Since that time, as our two schools have merged into a single family, it has evolved into a place where classmates can share milestones in their lives through photo galleries, video interviews, personal anecdotes, and other news.
It is a work in progress, and depends on class participation to succeed in its continuing mission: as a forum, a place to collect and reflect on nostalgic memories of our brothers and sisters from the former CHA and Springside.
We are looking for photographs (candid shots, out-takes, formal portraits, social occasions, etc.), artwork, audio/video files, news clippings, personal musings, poetry, tall tales — in short, anything which might paint a colorful picture of our times in school and on The Hill!
Friends and classmates who may have lost touch over the years will surely want to know about your professional career path, health & well-being, family news, and favorite activities. Don't be shy — write us a note, or scan some of your old keepsakes and send them along!
Please explore the links above, where you will find pages showcasing the lives and times of our classmates — then and now — as well as captivating histories of our two schools and the Chestnut Hill community.
These pages are not indexed by Google or other search engines; the document addresses are distributed to a select broadcast list of CHA & Springside alumni/ae, former faculty, as well as some SCH administrators (Alumni Office, Head of School, etc.). If you have any privacy concerns whatsoever, please mention them when you write.
Mission Statement
Our mission is to reflect the thoughts and treasured memories of both CHA and Springside classmates on an equal standing. That includes school activities, extracurricular and sports programs which were valued components of our experience at each school, both individually and collectively.
At the present time, this site's collection of Springsiders' experiences and topic headings is under-represented — as can be seen when perusing the navigation links above. However, that is not how it's intended to be; it will require candid input and collaboration from Springside classmates to achieve the objective of co-equal representation. That includes adding new navigation links and stories, based on your contributions. So ladies, please don't hesitate to jump in headfirst!
We would like to acknowledge and thank all who have sent along your photos and comments to date, including a recent trove of precious memories from some of Springside's contingent: Anne Borie Clements, Anne Bregy Saltman, Becky Borie Walsh.
Special thanks to Jefferson Moak for his research on our CHA Class Roster (the Springside Class Roster is in progress); to the late Bill "Rug" Hall for his voluminous contributions of images, audio files, newspaper clippings and other memorabilia — as well as his unflagging encouragement to your webmaster.
Kudos to Barry Shannon, Rug, and Becky Walsh for their dedication in organizing our Class Reunions, and their tireless efforts as our class agents. We also welcome recent additions listed above under Reunion Teams, helping us to celebrate our belated 50th Reunion in 2020 2021 2022.
Old Guard, here we come!
Site Construction
You may have noticed that a new top-level domain,, has been registered to host our Class Reunion Scrapbook going forward.
All old pages have been transitioned to the new domain. The "look-and-feel" of the site has been upgraded to a more aesthetic and responsive presentation, which plays nice in all viewports (incl. smartphones). New material is being added periodically, so we encourage you to bookmark the site in your browser and check back from time to time.
You can now post your comments on every page. A facility for uploading files directly to the webmaster from your desktop or phone is in the works! In the meantime, please feel free to send an email, and include attachments of digital photos or other documents.
Online publications: SCH Academy | Springside School